10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Stuck-Up Inn Open House
This Arts and Crafts building was designed by California's first licensed female architect, Julia Morgan, in 1917. State Parks staff and docent hosts welcome guests to view this historic building, see current restoration projects, and learn about the "Stuck-Ups" who became our greatest generation. Refreshments served.
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Vintage Car Rides
Take a ride around in a pre-1916, "brass era," vehicle with the Historic Carriage Club of America (Salinas Valley Region)! Our co-sponsor will be giving visitors a glimpse into Asilomar's past with early 20th century vehicles like the ones that brought guests, campers, and Stuck-Ups alike to Asilomar.
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Guest Speaker, Chrissy Yee Lau- The Story of Lily Satow
Assistant CSUMB Professor Chrissy Yee Lau shares the compelling story of Lily Satow from her book, New Women of Empire. As a young college student, Lilly Satow attended a student conference at Asilomar in 1926 and decided to become a social worker in Los Angeles through the 1920s and 1930s. By racially uplifting her peers through the expansion of the YWCA Girl Reserves, Satow cultivated a new generation of women who made indelible changes to their communities by redefining women's roles in the public and private sphere and furthering racial justice work. ***This presentation is FREE, but guests must RSVP to attend. Please visit our website (www.parks.ca.gov/asilomar) or our Eventbrite link here to reserve your space.***
3:30 p.m. - 4:00 Book Signing
Meet guest speaker Chrissy Yee Lau after the presentation to buy a copy of her book, New Women of Empire: Gendered Politics and Racial Uplift in Interwar Japanese America.